There must have been an event in your mind that you once attended, which gave you a five star experience of almost everything on the whole. Right from the time when you were admitted to the venue, all the way until you left. Sure enough, the management for that event was on the alert for any unexpected issues.
Here are a few pointers that would help you give your guests an experience they won’t forget.
Keep your registrations Small ,easy and available online, that’s the start of a good experience. For example, a name, email and phone number should be sufficient for identification purposes.
Your chosen venue can be a little far away, that should be fine as long as it’s easily located or if it sounds tricky, have people to guide your guests to the location using Google maps, or by giving directions with the help of different landmarks.
Ensure that your guests arrive hassle free.
Make sure your guests get the best service as soon as they arrive rather waiting to be checked in when you get a chance
Keep your entrances manned with enough volunteers to check in.The level of service needs to be maintained throughout the event.
Event Crew
Your event must have a good number of people managing the entire show, where not one guest would be left unattended or ill treated. Sometimes it takes an extra effort to gain that fame of being the best organizer, so in that aspect, keep your crew informed about taking that extra step towards serving people.
If event is scheduled to last for a couple days or more it’s always better to have an agenda given to your guests so that they may decide what’s best for them. The most convenient way to hand out agenda is have them use an App, unlike the printed agendas that you don’t give, they don’t take.
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