10 commandments of corporate event planning

Event management,Event organization,Event tips,Event guide,Event Planning,Commandments, Corporate

 Below are the list of Commandments of Event Planning.


The vast majority of excellent event planners are also great net-workers. That’s because a large network of local suppliers, trusted colleagues, and friends can make the difference between success and failure. Having someone to rely on when things get tough and know who to call when a client requests something unusual is indispensable. Always be on a lookout for potential partners you could connect with.

2. Location

A great location is like a beautiful dress you wear to dazzle your partner on a date. It has to fit the mood, accentuate all the right things, and, most importantly, match the character of the person wearing it. If your clients and visitors instantly fall in love with the venue, you’ll enter the event with a group of joyful people who look forward to everything that’s to come.

3. Objectives

Always be prepared and carefully consider every event with all details that you can think of. But keep in mind that, no matter how good your plans are, something usually goes wrong. That’s why you need a backup plan in place and never resort to panic.

4. Signing up for the Event Should Be Effortless

A reliable event management software will help you simplify event registration and provide your attendees with excellent user experience.

5. Follow Trends

Humans are social creatures. We take notice of what other people do, what they like, and how they behave.As an event planner, it’s your job to follow latest trends, so you can always easily come up with new ideas and surprise your customers with creative thinking.

6. Cultural Differences

Event planners must have a good understanding of the differences between cultures and how one thing may be a big hit in one culture and be considered as completely inappropriate in other. There’s nothing worse than making visitors feel uncomfortable at an event that was organized just for them.

7. Better to Have More Hands Than Not Enough

Budget issues aside, you should always ensure that you have enough staff available to keep up with the event and guarantee that everything will flow smoothly. However, not all staff members are created equal and some inexperienced workers may cause you nothing but troubles.

8. Always Gather Feedback

Attendees of your event should leave with great memories, and you, as an event organizer, should leave with lots of feedback that will help you make the next event even better. Event management software is an essential tool for this job.

9. Communicate and Listen

The satisfaction of all clients is the number one priority. You may have your own ideas how to run things, but they don’t mean much if they differ from those of your clients. Learn how to listen attentively to really understand what client’s goals are and communicate in such a way that will make the client feel appreciated and understood.

10. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Marketing

Marketing is how you get recognizes, and it’s also how you get new clients. Every event is an opportunity how to market your services and create a portfolio with pictures of happy visitors and great-looking events. These can be shared on your website, social media accounts, or used in printed promotion material.


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